100% Success Rate Stopping Foreclosures
Stop Foreclosure Now!
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Rated 5 ★★★★★ on Google, Trusted by Homeowners
Get a Free Consultation
Rated 5 ★★★★★ on Google, Trusted by Homeowners
100% Success Rate Stopping Foreclosures
We Can Help Save Your Home From Foreclosure!
Get More Time & Protect Your Home
We help homeowners in Bexar, Kendall, and nearby counties stop foreclosure, protect their credit, and explore legal options to keep their homes.
We help homeowners in Bexar, Kendall, and nearby counties stop foreclosure, protect their credit, and explore legal options to keep their homes.
We help homeowners in Bexar, Kendall, and nearby counties stop foreclosure,
protect their credit, and explore legal options to keep their homes.
Robert Garcia is a trustworthy individual. I was in a bind with my mortgage company and in the the 4 quarter 30 seconds left on the clock Mr Garcia delivered. I strongly recommend him and his team. He has your best interest at heart and will fight for you!!!!!
- studionerdz
Robert Garcia is awesome very honest he told me that did not legally do it proper way foreclosure on me they had sent it to my deceased grandparents they never directly did the foreclosure to me, so I went to the attorneys directly and email them like . Mr. Garcia said, and they right away stop the foreclosure because they knew that they were in the wrong. They had no right to put a foreclosure on the mobile home. And I want to really think Mr. Garcia for all the help and honestly because if that was anyone else, they would not have been honest away way he was truly trying to help me and he did that and I want to thank him now that they stop the four and I am very thankful and blessed. I really appreciate you I highly recommend him if y’all are going into a foreclosure..!!!🙏🏾🙌🏾😊
- Shamarya J.
Robert Garcia is the best!!!
- Yaz E.
They really do care and stop foreclosures. They’re the real deal.
- Claire
Had the privilege of meeting Mr. Robert Garcia. Very informative and helpful. He helped me with making the right decision for our property. Thank you very much.
- R L.
I'm very thankful for "Robert" & the best alternative that has resolved this issue I'm blessed with, yet others cane before him asking if I would allow them to help out on my foreclose. Now I can start a little better knowing "Mr Robert " has most definitely has helped than just turn his back on me.. than you "Robert "..
- Eddie “Jax” H.
I came to 2 very friendly appointments, they always answered my questions about what I had and cleared up my doubts because I had a foreclosure
- My W.
Don't lose all the money you have invested in your home. We can get some of your equity money back to you quickly. We can also help with your credit report by keeping the foreclosure off your record for up to 10 years.
CALL TODAY 24/7 For an Appointment 210-686-5656
Not always. Many foreclosures can be stopped without an attorney. However, we do have legal services available if needed. Some restrictions apply.
Every case is different, but acting fast is crucial.
Our legal team offers assistance at no cost to you (some restrictions apply).
We can help prevent foreclosure from staying on your credit for up to 10 years.
Phone: 210-686-5656
Address: 3010 Hillcrest Dr
San Antonio, Texas 78201